MIKEL HAS TO BE MORE CLEAR! Pep UNHAPPY with Arsenal boss’ comments 😡

MIKEL HAS TO BE MORE CLEAR! Pep UNHAPPY with Arsenal boss’ comments 😡

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39 respuestas a «MIKEL HAS TO BE MORE CLEAR! Pep UNHAPPY with Arsenal boss’ comments 😡»

  1. Avatar de @tobimartins9734

    Chaii diz journalist n chaos😂

  2. Avatar de @lunsas

    Why is this journalist trying to stir the pot 😂😂😂😂😂😂. What is he trying to do

  3. Avatar de @MaxDhod

    This journalist should be banned 🚫

  4. Avatar de @bigbowss9817

    Coward journalists using other people's words out of context or deliberatly twisting them instead of asking their own questions with their own words are the worst scumbags in this industry.

  5. Avatar de @TheKingSkillsBW67

    😂😂Pep shutting down NONSENSE!

    This guy knows English media very well! Why are these guys not investigating Garry Neville to find out why he failed at Valencia?

  6. Avatar de @toksrealty

    Why is the media trying to cready enimity between these two coaches

  7. Avatar de @blessingbhura1528

    This journalist is fishing for a story where there's none. Journalism gone to the dogs!😢

  8. Avatar de @davidrs.

    What a shit stirrer – twisting the man's words

  9. Avatar de @Christian3174

    That's an absolute germ of a journalist

  10. Avatar de @GroundedGooner82

    That journalist just trying to💩 stir

  11. Avatar de @yohabi4738

    The competition in the EPL now is obviously between City and Arsenal or between Pep and Mikel. Reminds us of those days that it was between Ferguson and Wenger.

  12. Avatar de @Paul-fo5gh

    AKA… journalist shitstirring – seems all they actually do these days…

  13. Avatar de @adalbertoperez2699

    This journalist is an ignorant 😮

  14. Avatar de @kevind6956

    This journalist is a DISGRACE. A liar trying to get his name in lights. Really appalling.

  15. Avatar de @ashcotvgh

    Mikel isn't that smart. City opened their doors for you to come learn and this is how you pay them back?

  16. Avatar de @dennisbugara3910

    This is not a nice thing to say

  17. Avatar de @kurtsudheim825

    "Maybe it was about 155 chages!" Boys we got him

  18. Avatar de @kurtsudheim825

    Literally every team uses " dark arts" Joseph barca did it before mikel was even playing for arsenal

  19. Avatar de @MoeBlackArctander

    Strange reaction form pep though, seems paranoid, and guilty

  20. Avatar de @shandipthebelimbu636

    Lol media trying so hard to create a beef 😅

  21. Avatar de @BoschGuy

    British journalists are just absolute crap!!! Pure and utter shit!!!!

  22. Avatar de @bulkcommoditiesukltd6491

    Mikel and Pep need to be mindful that the British Press is trying to put them at loggerheads and possibly recreate a Fergie Vs Wenger kind of situation. They need to call them out and tell them to their face that they are full of
    Mischief. Pep & Arteta need to be deliberate at keeping their professional relationship intact and separate it from their personal relationship. These press men mean no good but only want to sell their papers and get traction online.

  23. Avatar de @arsenalfanchannel1068

    Pep is so smart.He's a genius for a reason .

  24. Avatar de @brads1336

    He didnt say that an he corrected he own lie pathetic journalist

  25. Avatar de @da_great_mogul

    "Mikel said he liked you. What I gleaned from that was he knows about your gamesmanship, and that's a betrayal, don't you think?"

  26. Avatar de @liambowerman4936

    Another shit journalist talking out of his arse

  27. Avatar de @okorougochukwu4258

    Guardiola is so brilliant that he didn't jump into every question without specifically asking the journalist multiple times maturely 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤, some journalists are devil's workshops trying to create enemies between two friends😂😂😂😅❤

  28. Avatar de @Djbakerhd

    This reporter must be in jail. For nonsense questions 😅😅am arsenal supporters'

  29. Avatar de @ricardofigueiredo513

    Class act from Pep. Did he say that?😅

  30. Avatar de @jankuchta2107

    Stupid junos, they have no normal questions and just twisting other guys words😢😢

  31. Avatar de @ayanfeoluwa1941

    pep trying to make it look like artetas the mastermind behind those charges

  32. Avatar de @Apjdhdidhej

    We all know the journalists angle anything for abit of extra commission 🤣🤣

  33. Avatar de @dubemogwueleka7807

    Pep is too smart for these reporters.

  34. Avatar de @macnsennwadishi3921

    Media creating a rift between two good managers and friends. Media should stop trying to cause a rift just to get a story this is unprofessional journalism

  35. Avatar de @Jaymantingz

    Nasty reporter trying to ruin a good relationship and taking it in the only negative way to possible

  36. Avatar de @TerryTurkey-fp3tq

    I'm an arsenal fan, that is exactly what mikel said & that's exactly how he meant it!😂 he's backtracked since then, maybe said it out of anger also. But the reporter wasn't wrong atall.

  37. Avatar de @scottknox8817

    media trying to get Mikel and Pep to fall out

  38. Avatar de @frankystarrz

    Arteta meant "yeah, it's true. I was on Epstein's Island because I'm an absolute nonce" …that's fact's