Brilliant Garnacho bicycle kick goal!

2023/24 Budweiser Goal of the Season winner: Alejandro Garnacho & his bicycle kick goal scored for Manchester United in a Premier League match against Everton.

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24 respuestas a «Brilliant Garnacho bicycle kick goal!»

  1. Avatar de @MasterofSurprise

    "Hes probably dreaming about other girls"

    What bro really dreams about:

  2. Avatar de @galinazelenyuk2809

    Could watch this all day long everyday forever ❤❤❤

  3. Avatar de @unitedwaynigeria7463

    A goal that was scored with 6 touches from defense😮 Magnificent!

  4. Avatar de @JoelGarcia-lu3tw


    Noa and Loki will probably sub in next chapter. I wonder for who though? I could see Loki subbing in for either Rin or Shidou since hes gonna want to score with Charles, but that'd be wild. Noa will sub in for one of the fodder CBs in BM

  5. Avatar de @thanusalikhan6930

    kya marta rey imtem item

  6. Avatar de @CrisTorres-y1q

    That is a tricycle kick

  7. Avatar de @Kennytherobloxplayer

    That "GARNACHOOOO" was funny

  8. Avatar de @Karapet-l3j

    Гарначо⚽ Роналду

  9. Avatar de @ZawadSaifee

    "What goal by Cristiano Ronaldo, Sensational!!"

    Seems familiar? 🗿

  10. Avatar de @paulusnghipondoka624

    Garnacho is going to be future GOAT

  11. Avatar de @Ahsantulhurriyyah9537

    Garnacho bicyle kick is way better that messi bicyle kick 100%

  12. Avatar de @NoMoreIsThisChannel

    BIG reference To Ronaldo In Real Madrid 💀😭

  13. Avatar de @Bombomahaha228

    Doner kebab nacho Alejandro garnancho