Arsenal Fans Argue: Win The Premier League Or England Win The World Cup?! | Would You Rather

Ahead of the North London Derby with Spurs, Arsenal fans take part in our brand new debate show Would You Rather.

The Gunners fans argue out Would You Rather scenario based topics such as:

– Would You Rather Have Hired Sir Alex Ferguson Over Arsene Wenger?
– Would You Rather England Win The World Cup Or Arsenal Win The Premier League?
– Would You Rather Spurs Win The Champions League And Arsenal Win The Premier League Or Both Teams Win Nothing?

Thanks to @Milageuk @TurkishLDN @Pippa_Monique @LeeJudgesTV and @Cecil_Jee for taking part


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35 respuestas a «Arsenal Fans Argue: Win The Premier League Or England Win The World Cup?! | Would You Rather»

  1. Avatar de @SPORTbible

    Which other teams would you to see on Would You Rather? Comment below 👇

  2. Avatar de @danialnazrie3461

    treble is obviously clears invincibles🙄

  3. Avatar de @josephicha9150

    Aren't these the same fans trying to slag off Spurs' fanbase for wanting to throw the City game????

  4. Avatar de @matthewsheridan9399

    Arsenal winning a European cup 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Avatar de @93lornamae

    They are never catching liverpool and united in league titles.

  6. Avatar de @siblingschannelyah9909

    im with turkish , use human being always watching other people or comparing , we aint won PL in 20 years let us get some joy

  7. Avatar de @Guevon_Pajaro

    Lmao this shit kicked off RIGHT away

  8. Avatar de @justj6108

    Spurs must have done something terrible to that bald white guy😂😂

  9. Avatar de @adwaitnagarkar4615

    Call some level headed fans not theese delusional pricks..

  10. Avatar de @Bren249

    I want that Champions league. Get that monkey off our back. Fans always having a go at Arsenal because we've never been champions of Europe. I'll take that CL all day long. Want it more than anything.

    Turkish CRAZY! He would honestly be ok with a league title the same year as Spurs winning the CL. They will never let us forget it. And that league title will always have a stain on it

  11. Avatar de @DE-NobleJack

    Arsenal fans are funny …

  12. Avatar de @Thwze

    Wenger over Fergie is more than football, Wenger used football to change the country and change whole generations of people, fergie only cared about winning. It’s about ethics, morality, Wenger is bigger than football

  13. Avatar de @Thwze

    England fans gotta be the worst people man, every other country would trade any club trophies for a World Cup without doubt

  14. Avatar de @mcminn94

    What a top concept , got to do this with more clubs

  15. Avatar de @zidzo11

    supporting a team that haven’t won the ucl, must hurt

  16. Avatar de @Killdril

    When did arteta play with cesc??

  17. Avatar de @KeyboardWarriorNo1

    Ferguson better than ancelotti 🤣🤣🤣

  18. Avatar de @chrispanteli6626

    NO way would I want the spuds winning the champions league NO chance Turkish I respect and talks alot of sense but I can't agree with him this time

  19. Avatar de @Jimbobiscuit

    How cringeworthy do you want your video to be?

    SPORTbible: "Yes."

  20. Avatar de @AdiChenu

    Best show ever! I can't believe Turkish actually convinced me. My mind hurts and I love it😂

  21. Avatar de @AnthonyLaud-rt7ho

    Invincibles over the Treble? LMFAO. most wild statement ever

  22. Avatar de @marlonjohn6370

    Turkish is smoking crack

  23. Avatar de @chimiwangchuk8482

    Pippa killed the third argument with her points 😭 9:14

  24. Avatar de @jonafena4639

    Turkish your very Greedy 😂😂😂😂

  25. Avatar de @Oxs12

    What kind of questions is that arsenal win the league

  26. Avatar de @adammedz

    Arteta didn’t play with Fabregas

  27. Avatar de @bruhnuts36

    lee is a legend man what a guy

  28. Avatar de @daveseville7394

    Pippa is so thick. Turkish Im gobsmacked what is he talking about the whole video puts Ty to shame

  29. Avatar de @Okayricky

    Arsenal fans are so petty and ridiculous

  30. Avatar de @jlahjlahblah

    lmao turkish on about trophies and then picks wenger over saf, sums this guy up…clueless and confused

  31. Avatar de @TheMasterhunter2010

    Hate spurs more than love Arsenal small club mentality