Seeing who would win the 10 next premier leagues.
Teams like Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool, Spurs / Tottenham, arsenal and Chelsea could win it.
Manchester United has Ronaldo and ISHOWSPEED, but does that make them win anything?
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41 respuestas a «Who will win the next 10 PREMIER LEAGUES? (2023-2032)»
Liverpool are coming

Knowing my team will be garbage over the next 10 years is nice lol go Crystal Palace
2023 : Predicted Liverpool – Winner Manchester City
See you next year !
This didn’t last long
The reality: Man City Won 8/10
Bro said Im actually surprised arsenal got 2nd like it didn't just happen this season

You are also a Chelsea fan?
Add 99 rated players to hungary untill they win the EC and World Cup both!
Liverpool winner in 2023

Liverpool Chelsea in first and 2nd

2023 Liverpool

2023 premier league aged well

This aged well
Ahh yes can’t wait for Sheffield United to finish 4th in 2027
Bros predictions ended before starting
Can Ipswich get to where they used to be and win it again?
I am from 2023 and Liverpool ain't doing best right now
“Man Utd crying in the corner”
Nah man Liverpool are making a comeback they are 5th rn
Arsenal is going to win
This aged well
Ten hag laughing in the corner seeing this video
Your Chelsea fan so am I
Liverpool are behind man utd this utd
What about man utd
How do you know?
No way 10000000%
I think man utd will win this season and also the next
YAY Chelsea fam forever

Yay champions league after 9 years
Newcastle United
with all this money. ….they gonna win…at less one time
Where is West Ham
Are you smoking with weed which is over date??????
Manchester United
Sure? And how?