Can I build a Premier League team with over 6000 appearances?
It’s going to be difficult but maybe I can do it.
Camiseta Sevilla FC 2ª Equipación 2020/2021 Niño DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football
Can I build a Premier League team with over 6000 appearances?
It’s going to be difficult but maybe I can do it.
Camiseta Sevilla FC 2ª Equipación 2020/2021 Niño DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football
41 respuestas a «Building A Premier League Team With Over 6000 Appearances #shorts»
His ball knowledge :

His pronunciation :
Barry played Left Back for Villa
Blud said leverpool
Should have taken Leighton baines or young for everton
He should have left 1 cm and picked Gareth Barry
"Five thousand sex hundred and ninteh threh" got me

Sex Thousand
Insane ball knowledge but just a suggestion. Don't use Milner for Liverpool. He's played for City Liverpool Villa Brighton and Newcastle. Lots of teams can come up as Milner's option
Bro You Could've Had Gareth Barry In Man City And In Villa Too
Pls don't say "se.x"
The search history is insane
Man city walker because he has been there a lot of years and he's been to nearly all of hid man city games
Over sex thoumsend
Sex thosu d apperances

It's 6 not sex
As a Eveton fan, i would take Seamus Coleman still great ball knowledge
Add some substitutes,it's almost impossible
Wait why doesn't he pick Ronaldo for Man U…?
Bro didn’t choose ian callaghan for Liverpool that’s insane
Bro didnt choosr gerrard, ian rush or kenny dalgish with over 600 apps
Milner has more appearances than Giggs

Ryan Geggs
If he doesn't prep and research these, this guys knowledge if off the charts…
Could of had gerrard for Liverpool and torres
You are a goat
Bro why don't go for Gareth Barry at aston villa he has 653 appreances.
Shame you didn't include Gareth Barry, but solid choices nevertheless.
Hi mate
This one feels almost impossible with positions. You need on average around 550 apps per player
Should have taken Barry for Villa and moved Milner to RM.
Everton mikel artatta
The ball knowledge in this one was absolutely INSANE
Bro your ball knowledge is Insane

pin first plz im a huge fan im subbed also.
Petr Cech would have been better for Arsenal
Insane ball knowledge

Unlucky mate