Building A Premier League Team With Over 6000 Appearances #shorts

Can I build a Premier League team with over 6000 appearances?

It’s going to be difficult but maybe I can do it.

Camiseta Sevilla FC 2ª Equipación 2020/2021 Niño DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football


41 respuestas a «Building A Premier League Team With Over 6000 Appearances #shorts»

  1. Avatar de @psychogaming6730

    His ball knowledge :🔥🔥
    His pronunciation :💀

  2. Avatar de @PrinceOfCats5

    Barry played Left Back for Villa

  3. Avatar de @Jameswhodr

    Blud said leverpool

  4. Avatar de @t_maestro1352

    Should have taken Leighton baines or young for everton

  5. Avatar de @jacobdrabble584

    He should have left 1 cm and picked Gareth Barry

  6. Avatar de @adikapasi6468

    "Five thousand sex hundred and ninteh threh" got me😂😂

  7. Avatar de @arush8133

    Insane ball knowledge but just a suggestion. Don't use Milner for Liverpool. He's played for City Liverpool Villa Brighton and Newcastle. Lots of teams can come up as Milner's option

  8. Avatar de @SupermanEditsz

    Bro You Could've Had Gareth Barry In Man City And In Villa Too

  9. Avatar de @Desko1

    The search history is insane

  10. Avatar de @user-po5vn5wx7d

    Man city walker because he has been there a lot of years and he's been to nearly all of hid man city games

  11. Avatar de @biljanakiric5111

    Sex thosu d apperances

  12. Avatar de @asliceofbeef6255

    As a Eveton fan, i would take Seamus Coleman still great ball knowledge

  13. Avatar de @hellblazergaming4407

    Add some substitutes,it's almost impossible

  14. Avatar de @zevzeezious

    Wait why doesn't he pick Ronaldo for Man U…? 🤔

  15. Avatar de @K74t

    Bro didn’t choose ian callaghan for Liverpool that’s insane

  16. Avatar de @user-fc1zc3dr7f

    Bro didnt choosr gerrard, ian rush or kenny dalgish with over 600 apps😅

  17. Avatar de @Brotinho1901

    Milner has more appearances than Giggs😳🔥

  18. Avatar de @pdivis

    If he doesn't prep and research these, this guys knowledge if off the charts…🎉

  19. Avatar de @PacyMitchEditz

    Could of had gerrard for Liverpool and torres

  20. Avatar de @arbabrasheed2409

    Bro why don't go for Gareth Barry at aston villa he has 653 appreances.

  21. Avatar de @JasonGuitarHand

    Shame you didn't include Gareth Barry, but solid choices nevertheless.

  22. Avatar de @milto2269

    This one feels almost impossible with positions. You need on average around 550 apps per player

  23. Avatar de @sharvaansharex9375

    Should have taken Barry for Villa and moved Milner to RM.

  24. Avatar de @user-qq4ef8wy5m

    Everton mikel artatta

  25. Avatar de @kandukurishoaibhussain1950

    The ball knowledge in this one was absolutely INSANE

  26. Avatar de @KareemFC10

    Bro your ball knowledge is Insane🎉❤

  27. Avatar de @aharansuthaharan1617

    pin first plz im a huge fan im subbed also.

  28. Avatar de @jagatsinghsahota4818

    Petr Cech would have been better for Arsenal