When Chelsea were Humbled…
Bournemouth 4-0 chelsea
Bournemouth vs Liverpool
Premier league
EPL highlights
Camiseta Inter De Milán 1ª Equipación 2020/2021 DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football
When Chelsea were Humbled…
Bournemouth 4-0 chelsea
Bournemouth vs Liverpool
Premier league
EPL highlights
Camiseta Inter De Milán 1ª Equipación 2020/2021 DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football
27 respuestas a «When Chelsea were Humbled…»
What do we think of that Chelsea kit then lads?
Never forget
Legend, says we’re still waiting for Kepa to dive.
Bro that shot was from Ohio
Bournmouth 4-0 chelsea
Chelsea 5-0 huddiesfield
Mancity 6-0 chelsea
Back to back
It's always Bournemouth upsets big teams
Man city be like not so fast
Thoughts on Brighton vs Man Utd 4-0 as the next instalment?
I support AFC Bournemouth
As a Liverpool fan, Chelsea to me always has a player that I like even though I don't like Chelsea. First it was Willian and now its Nkunku.
what does bro have against chelsea

Joshua King

Didn't Bournemouth also beat Chelsea 2-1 in 16/17? I think Ake scored a last minute winner in it.
Please do a video on Ipswich
"when Chelsea were humiliated"
Bro chelsea get humilated so much it isnt even embarrassing anymore
Why willian what did he do
Fun fact
Chelsea won their game before this 3 nil
Then won the game after this 5 nil
They then lost the next match 6 nil to man City
As a Liverpool fan, I sure miss David Luis.
Have u done Sheffield Wednesday vs Peterborough United for best comebacks
A year before that Bournemouth beat Chelsea 3-0
. I swear man I hate Bournemouth away game so much as a Chelsea fan
Who remembers the West Brom loss 2 seasons ago?
When I saw the title “when Chelsea were humbled” I thought it was just gonna be a summary of last season
Worst league result since 1996 is crazy, it was only 4-0 as well, that’s actually mad
I remember these times
Chelsea conceded 10 goals in 2 games
You need to do a video on Ipswich. Fighting for automatic promotion after getting 2nd in League one. Now tied for 2nd with a game in hand. The team that beat them is in 16th. I follow Southampton and are so curious on how Ipswich are battling promotion with us. Signings? Management?
Not too long ago Bournemouth beat Manchester United 3-0