When Chelsea were Humbled…

When Chelsea were Humbled…

Bournemouth 4-0 chelsea

Bournemouth vs Liverpool


Premier league

EPL highlights

Camiseta Inter De Milán 1ª Equipación 2020/2021 DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football


27 respuestas a «When Chelsea were Humbled…»

  1. Avatar de @MikeyFC

    What do we think of that Chelsea kit then lads? 🧐

  2. Avatar de @user-gt2lc9fs4h

    Legend, says we’re still waiting for Kepa to dive. 😂

  3. Avatar de @zaidasaad2793

    Bro that shot was from Ohio 💀

  4. Avatar de @siyancube7215

    Bournmouth 4-0 chelsea
    Chelsea 5-0 huddiesfield
    Mancity 6-0 chelsea

    Back to back😂

  5. Avatar de @frostfire1320

    It's always Bournemouth upsets big teams 😂

  6. Avatar de @shivasriram9179

    Man city be like not so fast

  7. Avatar de @mrscoops3536

    Thoughts on Brighton vs Man Utd 4-0 as the next instalment?

  8. Avatar de @ellistv6245

    I support AFC Bournemouth

  9. Avatar de @ayo_chilt

    As a Liverpool fan, Chelsea to me always has a player that I like even though I don't like Chelsea. First it was Willian and now its Nkunku.

  10. Avatar de @MrGuy-wk2dj

    what does bro have against chelsea 💀💀💀

  11. Avatar de @KingNoobLemon

    Didn't Bournemouth also beat Chelsea 2-1 in 16/17? I think Ake scored a last minute winner in it.

  12. Avatar de @Exyster

    Please do a video on Ipswich

  13. Avatar de @SubmachineOP

    "when Chelsea were humiliated"
    Bro chelsea get humilated so much it isnt even embarrassing anymore ☠️

  14. Avatar de @lllagpixel7325

    Why willian what did he do

  15. Avatar de @prince__junior

    Fun fact
    Chelsea won their game before this 3 nil
    Then won the game after this 5 nil
    They then lost the next match 6 nil to man City 😅

  16. Avatar de @yichengyi

    As a Liverpool fan, I sure miss David Luis.

  17. Avatar de @vibremaster239

    Have u done Sheffield Wednesday vs Peterborough United for best comebacks

  18. Avatar de @fishyfish6510

    A year before that Bournemouth beat Chelsea 3-0 😭. I swear man I hate Bournemouth away game so much as a Chelsea fan

  19. Avatar de @rayyantahir1828

    Who remembers the West Brom loss 2 seasons ago?

  20. Avatar de @user-pq6up8pu7z

    When I saw the title “when Chelsea were humbled” I thought it was just gonna be a summary of last season

  21. Avatar de @Zuhayrrashid23

    Worst league result since 1996 is crazy, it was only 4-0 as well, that’s actually mad

  22. Avatar de @HokageUub

    I remember these times
    Chelsea conceded 10 goals in 2 games

  23. Avatar de @ammadz7521

    You need to do a video on Ipswich. Fighting for automatic promotion after getting 2nd in League one. Now tied for 2nd with a game in hand. The team that beat them is in 16th. I follow Southampton and are so curious on how Ipswich are battling promotion with us. Signings? Management?

  24. Avatar de @mchikenbruh

    Not too long ago Bournemouth beat Manchester United 3-0