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  1. Avatar de @goadedmachine8448

    Steven Gerrard is lads ffs calm down

  2. Avatar de @blackkeiron

    Kbd can't score like Lampard. Can't defend like Gerrard. Can't controll a game like Scholes.

    All the top Midfielders can pass

  3. Avatar de @jaywaters307

    He’s good but can he drag a team nowhere near good enough to a champions league???? Not a chance

    Gerrard was a better player, he just played in a much worse team.

  4. Avatar de @orwellboy1958

    he just isn't. He's played two games all season and you lot think he's prime Maradona.🤦‍♂️

  5. Avatar de @kaushikra5093

    People were comparing him to bruno and odegaard lmao. This guy is sits in the table with guys like zidane, iniesta, xavi, modric, kaka etc.

  6. Avatar de @alanwhitby367

    Could he carry the 2005 Liverpool team to a champions league win? Hes managed 1 win with the best team in Europe. Gerrard could do everything KDB can. KDB can't do everything Gerrard did. KDB is brilliant and of the best ever. But he's no Gerrard

  7. Avatar de @nikunjintwala1301

    Enjoy him in his last season for city before he retires in Saudi Arabia

  8. Avatar de @saffiejallow8858

    Lies Gerard will always be the goat of midfielder in the prem

  9. Avatar de @lewismaher7829

    Steven Gerrard was a better all round player he could do everything score goal wonder goals aswell he could pass the ball as good as anyone probably the best tackler brilliant at heading a ball and and was a leader won games on his own In some poor Liverpool teams Gerrard in his prime put him In any team in world he would be the best simple

  10. Avatar de @AYfootball138

    Agree as soon as he came on we were like he’s looks fresh and sharp and boy wasn’t he

  11. Avatar de @Simon_and_Lami

    So is Messi nominated for 2023 FIFA when we have Debruyne that won a treble. FiFA so weird

  12. Avatar de @extricos

    Tell us something we didn't know

  13. Avatar de @danielgill2311

    The rest of the premiership are gonna be dominated city are back

  14. Avatar de @neilchappell5753

    He's a Rolls Royce of a footballer!

  15. Avatar de @robertblair8146

    😂 Fodder for the stat loving Americans who started watching 6 months ago. KDB is phenomenal but you know better, Buvey. He is not even the best midfielder in City's very short cash fueled history.

  16. Avatar de @Lioness_UTV

    This guy is something else.

  17. Avatar de @NosyFella

    Mad accent on you

  18. Avatar de @davesundra

    Mate calm the fuck down
    He is not a better midfielder than Scholes or Gerrard
    As a man city fan don’t go over board with your bias opinions

    His fitness is never in the league of Stevie G mate ..
    oh pls

    If Stevie g was playing for man city can you imagine what he can do ?

    Paul Scholes was an unbelievable midfielder too

    Just say this generation he is by far the best midfielder,we can accept .
    Keep our opinions none bias and simple mate .

    You sound stupid for simply running your mount like a 5 year old

  19. Avatar de @JRK197

    He’s unbelievable but he’s still 2nd to Gerrard imo

  20. Avatar de @EvanHood-je4dg

    He’s the EPL goat. He has passed Henry for me because of last season

  21. Avatar de @jordyvanschaik6144

    Nope, he's 3rd for now. However he's obviously still playing, so he could move up and even be 1st once he retires.

  22. Avatar de @abstraqtphilosophy7357

    Buvey is a guy that can't trap a ball or use his big head to properly head a ball and he's trying to tell us what a midfielder does? KDB as a midfielder can't defend, tackle or intercept passes to save his life. Rodri is a better and more complete midfielder than KDB. It's no coincidence that City have lost every single game Rodri hasnt played

  23. Avatar de @stevetrevor2633

    Prince Harry came back hard after having 6 months out!

  24. Avatar de @tartan360

    Not better than Gerrard but he’s great

  25. Avatar de @lorik6158

    but that United guy from the podcast says he is very overrated lol

  26. Avatar de @Hogan-sw1py

    Yeah I think everyone can agree. Trent is the only one that does what he can but not quite at the same level

  27. Avatar de @markxcolle15

    Yes he the best. But dont sit there and sct like city defense isnt bad

  28. Avatar de @gunnergamer614

    Hes best I've ever watched…. Im 35 and watched all the greats. Hes in my team before Scholes Lampard Gerrard even Bergkamp.

  29. Avatar de @ahmedibrahim5800

    Best player to play in the premier league

  30. Avatar de @markyrwd9692

    Can't chat to Gerrard! And Zidane is the greatest midfielder of all time followed by Inesta and Xavia. KDB needs to do it for Club in more than two games against Real Madrid last season. Also, Jude Bellingham is the best player in the world right now. Not even debatable. 30 mins against Newcastle and he's best in world. Stop the Cap!

  31. Avatar de @lewisward7956

    Not in the history of the league but he’s deffo top 3-5

  32. Avatar de @happilyeggs4627

    Whilst I think De Bruyne is, one of maybe only 4, current world class players in the PL. Is he really the best that's ever graced the PL? I think there was a better player at Arsenal, Dennis Bergkamp I think there was an Italian at CFC, Zola, who was a magician. Whilst all three were/are part of great teams, De Bruyne is surrounded by the best quality team ever recruited into the PL. You have to say that, whilst he is undoubtedly world class, he is really helped by having the best quality players around him. Zola and Bergkamp were part of top teams, but not of the quality of this MCFC side, but were still outstanding. I love Zole, I love De Bruyne, I would give it to Bergkamp. He did some things that I have never seen done by anyone other than Bergkamp. I say this jealously as a LFC supporter. I would have loved to have Bergkamp in the LFC team. Come to that, I would love to have Zola or De Bruyne.

  33. Avatar de @aaronhounsome8954

    Gerrard scored 186 goals fpr Liverpool, I don't think kevs numbers are there and could also do everything in teams that were knowhere near citys level.. So calm down buvey m8.. I know the guy is absolutely worldclass, but to say he's the best midfielder in premier league of all time is a bit much.. His left foot was better than Gerrards I'll give ya that.

  34. Avatar de @ryanschultz4119

    We need to appreciate KDB's all-time greatness while we still have the privilege of watching him play!💯