What if the Top 10 of the Premier League and LaLiga combined into 1 League?

#eafc24 #premierleague #laliga

Camiseta Sevilla FC 3ª Equipación 2019/2020 Maillot de foot pas cher 2020 2021, Y compris Enfant, Femme, Paris Saint Germain, France, Real Madrid, Monaco et ainsi de suite, survetement de foot.


38 respuestas a «What if the Top 10 of the Premier League and LaLiga combined into 1 League?»

  1. Avatar de @scorpion8838

    Wth Brighton got relegated bruh😂

  2. Avatar de @wasifali3877

    Real MADRID Flying in the moment ❤❤

  3. Avatar de @ZayidAhmed-re1jo

    Liverpool is number one 😢

  4. Avatar de @jhonlopez625

    Real Madrid in real life: 😎 💪🏻
    Real Madrid in FIFA: 😎 💪🏻

  5. Avatar de @Aran-_-

    Bruh even in this shit barca gotta be behind madrid 😭

  6. Avatar de @Ghost_The_CODM

    Bro please add real madrid in ISL…please please

  7. Avatar de @omerhasan8854

    are you from ohio.Liverpool was on top of table

  8. Avatar de @koldonn1111

    Embarassing for the Prem clubs

  9. Avatar de @wolfstargames7224

    Getafe over Brighton 💀💀🗿

  10. Avatar de @danielowens2013

    No way are real madrid or barca better than city

  11. Avatar de @anonymoose4161

    Brighton In Fifa:💀💀💀💀💀
    Brighton in real life: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  12. Avatar de @TheYonow

    What if every team in the league has the exact same players (and substitutes)…

  13. Avatar de @okurkazkauflandu5160

    messi, maradona, di maria

  14. Avatar de @Texhan88

    Bro where are you from?! Iran😅

  15. Avatar de @suela1604

    ofc the best club is first

  16. Avatar de @kunalg3062

    My 2 fav teams got first and last😢😅😅

  17. Avatar de @Edit-vm3mf

    Adding bellingham so he can finally show them who is boss

  18. Avatar de @Viperstrikes-df1rh

    Why do u hate Real socieded

  19. Avatar de @Atal.Haidari

    So no one is gonna talk about how Liverpool is 7th while they have been absolutely amazing this season

  20. Avatar de @cathay_paciic

    barca in fifa: 🔥
    barca irl: 😭💀

  21. Avatar de @LFCDRE

    Do Serie a and prem

  22. Avatar de @type0455

    I can’t believe we live in an era where Chelsea is comparable to Valencia 😂😂😂

  23. Avatar de @dennis8591

    This proves La Liga>>Prem

  24. Avatar de @LeviAntics

    If only Arsenal didn’t lose to West Ham and Fulham we’d still be 1st

  25. Avatar de @lBrightonI

    This is not realistic🤮🤮🤮

  26. Avatar de @brunojurado8942

    superleague content pls

  27. Avatar de @user-cv8lh9ri7l

    Have mbappe played with Zlatan

  28. Avatar de @Abdullah-mon

    Does anyone know why he hates real sociedad lol

  29. Avatar de @Crazycreeper565

    Spain dominate English clubs, so that’s not a surprise

  30. Avatar de @Wessi10Barca

    Chelsea in 12th

  31. Avatar de @IMAJOKERgymnast

    Removing A Player From Ajax In The Worse League On FIFA Until There Relegated