Teams with the most Premier Leagues

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47 respuestas a «Teams with the most Premier Leagues»

  1. Avatar de InfamousFC

    Before people start crying this is the PREMIER LEAGUE not LEAGUE TITLES.

    Make sure to subscribe ❤

  2. Avatar de Harry March-Williams

    Liverpool have won 19 titles

  3. Avatar de Fonze Bronze

    Man United 20 Premier League Titles
    Liverpool 19 Premier League Titles
    Arsenal 13 Premier League Titles
    Man City 9 Premier League Titles
    Chelsea 6 Premier League Titles

  4. Avatar de Northern Ireland places to go

    Blackburn and Leicester left the chat

  5. Avatar de Roohia Altaf

    Liverpool 1 are you ok Liverpool have most premier League

  6. Avatar de BBALL Reviews

    This is only during the Premier League era 92/93-present day before from 1888-1992 it’s predecessor was the Football League First Division in 1992 the 22 19 clubs that survived relegation plus the newly promoted 3 clubs decided to form a new breakaway league so they can get more money especially from TV revenue so with talks with the FA it was agreed on to form the breakaway league hence starting in 1992 the Football League First Division would be replaced with the FA Premier League and has been like that since though from 92/93-94/95 the first 3 seasons it was a total of 22 teams 42 matches from 95/96- present day it been a 20 team 38 match season since

  7. Avatar de Aprilia Shinta

    exceptional job Man city

  8. Avatar de AKM. SAZEDUR RAHMAN

    Liverpool 6 man city 1 ars 0 man utd 3

  9. Avatar de Xtrem | RA

    blackburn won a prem in the prem era

  10. Avatar de Celina Lam

    bro those clubs have more prems

  11. Avatar de Reds fan

    Bro liverpool have 19 premier league titles

  12. Avatar de Expansioner 29

    Now man city have 7 epl trophies

  13. Avatar de معتصم سالم

    Bro Liverpool have19 premier league titles and man united have 20 premier league titles 😅😅😅

  14. Avatar de Ghazi

    Bro needs an Oscar . People be like when they barely know any football

  15. Avatar de wafels:)

    who told him liverpool has 1 pl trophy

  16. Avatar de Talha Bayram

    bUt sPuRs hAVe aUdI cUP

  17. Avatar de Mshary Alghamdi

    Real Madrid has left the chat😂

  18. Avatar de Max Burgess

    United have 20 epl trophies

  19. Avatar de Vusi Mahaja

    Liverpool 19 titles left the chat

    Edit:pls make a tes with most titles and ucls in englang

  20. Avatar de ITSVictorGamer612

    Leicester city enter chat

  21. Avatar de enas Ahmed Elshahed

    Leverpool have 19 priemier league

  22. Avatar de Danish Danish

    Mu is 20 trophy!!!

  23. Avatar de Yes

    Leicester left the chat

  24. Avatar de FJ7 - Gaming

    Spurs 2 pl trophy left the chat..

  25. Avatar de Hourai Belkmari

    Man United has 20 premier league 😂

  26. Avatar de Marvin Le

    Leicester 1 premier league eleft the chat:

  27. Avatar de _Nightmareguyyt

    The fact because Ronaldo has equal Chelsea’s champions league what a goat❤❤❤

  28. Avatar de SAMI AMAN ABDULLAH

    Liverpool have 19 leagues zero ball knowledge 🤫🤫🤫

  29. Avatar de Jesse Cobblah

    I have bones with this music

  30. Avatar de Nana

    Blackburn Rovers and leicester city both also won a premier league.

  31. Avatar de LiverpoolFC media

    Bro these kids really need to search things up bro said liverpool has 1 prem but they have 19 like wrf

  32. Avatar de Liverpool GOAT

    Man U with 20 and Liverpool with 19

  33. Avatar de Footy Messi

    Bruhh Leicester has one too

  34. Avatar de behrad younesi

    Bro Arsenal has 13 pl

  35. Avatar de Cameron Cook

    Blackburn rovers and leichester causally sitting there

  36. Avatar de Manish Sharma

    How about only Ronaldo 🥵🤯🥵🤯🇵🇹

  37. Avatar de Amir Hosinkeygho

    Liverpool:6 champions League
    City_arsenal_chelsae_united:6 champions League 😮😅