Watch the highlights from Tottenham Hotspur’s 2-0 win over Manchester United

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Camiseta Egipto Segunda Equipación 2020-2021 DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football



  1. Avatar de Maxthebest

    I think we all have to be honest here. Davies had the best shot u will ever see😮😂

  2. Avatar de Abdul Sesay

    Am now a Bayern Munich fan because of Kane

  3. Avatar de JD PP

    사람들은 한국인보고 저 사람들은 쏘니 팬이지 토트넘 팬이 아니야 라고 말했다. 쏘니가 떠나면 토트넘이 아닌 그가 이적한 팀을 응원할 것이기 때문이지란 말에 처음에는 약간의 부끄러움을 느꼈다. 그런데 다시 생각해보니 부끄러워할 필요가 없었다. 토트넘 팬들과 영국 언론들은 쏘니가 해트트릭 해야만 그의 뛰어난 활약을 보고 분석하기 바빴다. 그들은 단순히 이타적이란 말로 줄였지만 축구는 팀플레이라는 본질, 단순히 자기가 많은 득점에 관여했다는 것보다 더 중요한 본질에 대한 헌신이 손흥민과 동양계 사람들 특히 한국사람들의 문화와 관련이 있기 때문에 오히려 축구 종주국은 영국이지만 개인주의의 유럽인보다 오히려 단체에의 헌신을 잘 이해하는 한국에게 축구가 더 잘 어울리는게 아닌가 싶다. 우리가 만약 개인 피지컬, 역사, 유소년 서포트, 자본등이 동일 조건이었다면 한국인의 축구 수준이 더 높았으리라고 본다. 문화적인 특성상.

  4. Avatar de papa chichi

    재미있네…. 0-5로 패배하게 되더라도 이렇게 재밌는 게임을 했으면 좋겠다. 케인 빼고는 모두 실력부족인줄 알았는데… 다들 엄청 잘하는 선수들 이었네…

  5. Avatar de Abhinish

    With ronaldo – 3-2🗿

  6. Avatar de 1122정대훈

    와 손흥민도 잘하고 사르도 이번경기 진짜 잘했네요

  7. Avatar de TY46 GHJJK

    The Taipei City Council on June 21, 2023, passed a resolution urging the Legislative Yuan to pass laws to prosecute those who participate in forced organ harvesting perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    The Taipei City Council passed a resolution on June 21, 2023, expressing their support of legislation to combat the crime of forced organ harvesting.

    This resolution, co-sponsored by 28 legislators, has three main points:

    1) Condemn forced organ harvesting as a crime against humanity;

    2) Support the legislation by all governments against forced organ harvesting, the “Universal Declaration on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting”;

    3) Urge the Taipei City Government to inform locals of the atrocity of forced organ harvesting by the CCP, educate locals about the “Human Organ Transplantation Regulations,” which prohibits the sale and purchase of organs from abroad, and call on locals not to go to China to receive trafficked organs for transplantation.

    Taipei City Councilor Hung Chien-Yi condemns the CCP’s crimes against humanity.

    Hung Chien-Yi, the Taipei City councilor who introduced the resolution, said, “This proposal represents a universal value and a common belief in the world.” He urged all city councils to pass similar resolutions and speak up against the atrocity.

    Taipei City Councilor Hsu Hung-Ting

    Taipei City Councilor Hsu Hung-Ting agreed that non-consenting organ extraction and trafficking violated basic human values and should not happen in any country or region. This is why this resolution received support from legislators from all political parties, he said.

    Councilor Hsu hopes that through this resolution, “We can uphold this value on our land, that no human organ should be removed when the person is still alive, trafficked or commercialized, without their consent.”

    According to the CCP’s own data, the number of transplants performed in China ranked second in the world, with no clear indication of the source of the organs. More and more evidence have shown that the regime has been harvesting organs from non-consenting Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.

    Taipei City Councilor Hsu Li-Hsin said such crimes shouldn’t be happening in 21st century.

    Another Taipei City Councilor, Hsu Li-Hsin, said that any government that goes against its people would be toppled one day. Pointing to historical tragedies such as concentration camps and unethical human experimentation, Hsu said that the world cannot allow organ harvesting crimes to continue in the 21st century.

  8. Avatar de Barkat Lb

    Miss you Harry Kane 😢😅

  9. Avatar de 명왕성

    한국어자막 지원좀 해주라인간적으로

  10. Avatar de neymarxgoat1

    I was at this match, i was so happy with the outcome

  11. Avatar de 신지원

    FC서울의친구 맨유가 토트넘에게 0대2로 져서 할말못.토트넘은 손홍민이 어시스트를 받아서 케인 없이 침착하게 활약을 했다.서울월드컵경기축구장에서 맨유의친구 FC서울은 대구FC와2대2로 무승부로 비겨서 안익수감독은 성적부진으로 사퇴를 했습니다.

  12. Avatar de Makna Fauzi


  13. Avatar de 한윤수

    MOM is Dier. He did his best at his position. That makes happiness for all. Thank you so much.🤭😍😜

  14. Avatar de 시간

    이번경기는 로메로 반더밴 비수마 메디슨 정말 잘했다 사르도 잘하고 수비가 튼튼하니 이번경기도 무실점경기 좋아보였습니다

  15. Avatar de Ashton Thompson

    been watching his matches. he will fit into the system very well! he will be a good suit. even though he comes of the bench its the push he needs!

  16. Avatar de Alex Suains

    Onana es puro humo no está para partidos importantes, y eso que el utd aspira a ganar Champions ojo, no solo Premier😅

  17. Avatar de 고냥이가 아니고 돼냥이 입니다.

    고인물 나가고 이제 뉴 신성들이 톳넘을 지킨다.

  18. Avatar de Dif Risky

    buruk,baik,di ganggu gatau dh

  19. Avatar de B M

    Hope Bissouma would be less greedy. There were moments against both Brentford and Man Utd where he could have passed it to Son and scored a goal.

  20. Avatar de Nagato 零

    its just united so i am not impressed just yet

  21. Avatar de RK

    Ronaldo was problem… ???😂😂😂

  22. Avatar de taileddaddy

    Oh Rashford maaan How can you miss that header with rabona pass by B.Fernandes

  23. Avatar de Joy pradana

    Atmosfer yang bagus dari anak anak muda spurs

  24. Avatar de Kaydee Duminy

    Poor performance from United could of done so much better

  25. Avatar de Said Adreby

    Not a surprise a mediocre club like Manchester United lost against a big club like Tottenham Hotspurs 🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡

  26. Avatar de Nonhlanhla Ngwenya

    I don't understand my friends told me man utd were on top of spurs in terms of perfomance but looking at highlights i'm seeing different things

  27. Avatar de Hdin Ebily

    Magnificent play by captain son! Still a world class player

  28. Avatar de Zokko

    No Dier Tottenham wins the league

  29. Avatar de Geralda Alex

    Thank God maguire wasn't inside everyone would say his the course 🙏 🙌