Uncut hosts @mkfray @BenBlack10 @IshEverything @AlexBeeOfficial and @ElztheWitch test their knowledge of the Premier League 2022/23 season. How many questions did you get right? Let us know in the comments.
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25 respuestas a «HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE 2022/23 SEASON? | Premier League Wrapped»
Ish is dummy
Wasn’t it Liverpool? 5:37
These man do not know the premier league Ben is a fake man city fan
im sorry im a new fan how was arsenal able to be in the lead of the table for 248 days this season if city was up there quite significantly more often and the season doesnt even last that long
I got the billing one
Tarkoski hasn’t played every minute of the season
@BenBlack is the best

Their Premier League knowledge is as good as Maguire's Defensive Skills.
I guessed ward prowse on the first one legit!!!
MK bottled harder than arsenal

Emmanuel anyiweri

Megan Fox anyone? No…?
I got 39 points
Premier League 2023/24 Team, Stadium and Capacities Detail
Midfielder english. James Ward Prowse was just ringing
MK is so annoying
How have these guys been selected for this knowledge is non existent
When Ish had to guess a midfielder, for some random reason JWP came to my head as a guess.
