We’re opening a brand new Panini Premier League Prizm blaster soccer box. This premium box contains 6 packs each containing 4 cards with a guaranteed 2 blaster exclusive pink mosaic parallel cards per box. We’ll also be getting 2 guaranteed inserts in every box but there is no numbered hit or no chance for an auto. We will be hoping to find a few Arsenal cards though but be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comment and enjoy.
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Camiseta Manchester City 2a Equipacion 2020/2021 DESTOCKAGE PERMANENT dédié au football
11 respuestas a «*NEW* Panini Prizm Premier League 2022/23 Blaster Box Opening | Exclusive Pink Mosiac Parallels»
Better mention the actual price of boxes which you got in your videos , will be useful maybe in years to come when we re-watch
sure this guys cannot afford a hobby box of prizm this year lmao
Nice Toon hit
Great video both of you! A happy chappy with those Arsenal pulls!
Well done for getting some good arsenal
The BLASTERS are a joke though not having numbers or autos nice cards though
Amazing video
Very Nice! Extra Parrellel
Hi first great cards