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18 respuestas a «Crazy Premier League TOTS 400K Packs!»
I’ve actually tried Ramsdale and he’s actually class but I’m an Arsenal fan so I just wanna pack all of em

Got de bruyne from that pack
Keep it up bro as always those cards are pretty insane and i'm looking to get some for my team, but i'm out of coins and looking for some good place to get some so i can upgrade my team any tips on what is the best place to use?
Got Kane, Casemiro, Bruno, Dias & Robertson from free packs
life is good
I got Dias from 8 pl pack
Have toty kdb just sitting in my club because I packed the tots red
Got 96 Ruben dias in a red player pick pack

Got dupe ramsdale face card out of store pack and varane was in there toooooooo
Got 6 epl tot. 3 odegaard and 3 ramsdale
I abt to cry dup theory is definitely real I got dip martinelli, kane and caseamero
watch ea not adding tots moments in the next tots pl pack
guys mid jairzinho over tots son or tots saka?
I opened that 500k pack and git only motm players wtf
Got 92 saliba massiveW
I got salah in the 400k
I got KDB from my 11x 81 prem pack. Buzzing
Rashford with maestro means 3 99 stats
i got toure on my rtg today the throphy titan