FIFA 17 Liverpool vs Leicester City – Premier League Full Gameplay
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FIFA 17 Liverpool vs Leicester City – Premier League Full Gameplay

16 respuestas a «FIFA 17 Liverpool vs Leicester City – Premier League Full Gameplay»
i know liverpool is better
fifa que é o jogo mano….
you wanna do a colab ? on a fifa 17 video ?

esps marcadores estan horribles
How come original team manager face wont show in tournament mode?
Where the hell is the EPL scoreboard and license? This generic scoreboard looks absolutle shit
No new Premier League background music and graphics……. aaaaah EA… whhyyyyyy???
no premier league TV overlay this year?
cade o placar da pl?
where the new main stand? it is difficult to renovate the stadium or what? bastards…
that sad to see these generic scoreboard
No está el grafismo de la BPL?
No scoreboard PL?
show juventus faces!