Recap on the key moments between Liverpool and Aston Villa as the Reds secured a 3-1 away victory at Villa Park in the Premier League.
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25 respuestas a «HIGHLIGHTS: Aston Villa 1-3 Livepool | Salah, van Dijk & Bajcetic score on Premier League return»
Patience is the key word for many things and I'm sure people need to calm down and not always go in soscial media & criticize someone only to get attention and likes!

Darwin is one of those so hardworking on and off the pitch players, but unfortunately get themselves in position where confidence and calmness is required!
All this is going to come with time!
Salah opener and Bajcetic with debut goal!
Win win win…lfc I breath
Gotta love Livepool…
Ливерпуль на классе. Красавчики! Там чемпион мира в рамке стоял? Похоже весь скилл – это то, что он исполнил в серии пенальти с французами. Клоун)
Свака част!
In efootball or real football Arnold is the best long pass taker i have ever seen
Please kick Nunez
Lol reverse uno
Nuñez Fast & furious
Ollie Watkins is a future England striker. Should be the back up
Nunes or halan
As an Everton supporter Nunez is my favorite Liverpool player. He is tall and very fast and always, DOES NOT SCORE!
Hello friends, I posted my first video on YouTube, please, I am waiting for your support, the income of the first video will come to the first followers and those who like it, I am waiting for your comments

Salah is so selfish
Nunez is younger version of lakaka.
Muhammad salah

Funny how those Manc bastards want adverts to advertise their official man utd app on the play store and apple store, no one cares and will not buy your pathetic apps Mancs.
Nunez nunez
what is the commentator's name
Never walk alon
Never walk alon