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47 respuestas a «Eddie is Our 14 Plus TY Slams Bissouma! | Biased Premier League Show»
When Robbie said babatunde I legit thought they got ksi on the show???
Good grief! Ty oh Ty
Ty on some mad drugs
Yardie secretly handling the Don's Offshore accounts in the Caymans ?
I’m sorry Robbie but Ty needs to be sacked. Times like this make you miss Claude more
crying he didn't go to Arsenal ?? you sure, infact he said when he heard about a North London club wanting him, he prayed it was Spurs ?? ty is deluded.
Must be great to always live in 04/05 forever
When the Don said Babatunde I was fully expecting to KSI walk out in front of the camera
TY is one bad mind blow wo bad mind deluded gooner .. lol
Ty is actually a funny harmless guy he waffles loads which is jokes
19:19 who farted?
We need more bissouma vids
Ty is a full on knob… nuff said
Yeah they've got a comedian on today alright – Ty
Saka just spent the whole year diving. No one touched him.
Ty should not be talking about Tottenham because Tottenham are a champions league team.
Show some respect.
love ty so much what a funny guy …
Love the Bissouma envy. If you guys didn't bottle it, you probably would of had him. That's the beauty of it??
Anyone else thought KSI would come out when robbie introduces a babatunde?
Ty most deluded Woolwich Nomad little runt, in the history of deluded Nomads.
Ty actually had me ???????
Arsenal should target Maupay!
I wanna be TY
Ty is a mumbling fool, fair play to the guest he gets a slap if he gets in my face like that… Getting to big for his size 3's
Robbie be on that good stuff…. 15 PL goals is sick.
Can’t start 0 and 3 this season.
Omg tyyyyyy……deluded asf?
That money is long gone Robbie LOOOL
Ty is hurt because his team has finished below nobody's for 2230 days straight.
He will score 15 defo
Using a mentally impaired Ty for the likes ……..
Son is clear of any current squad player.
When Ty is in this foul mood. I wish he’d get smacked up real quick to learn some respect. Man child
There was only 8 players in the pl who scored 15+ goals and he thinks Nketiah will do that
? too funny
Tys a comedian ??
Ty is an embarrassment!!
100k for nketiah ???? same old Arsenal
We all know that TY is a Nigerian exchange student that has been exposed. Lol. Talking so must s**t. When you need to keep your mouth shut ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pleasesssss
Ty is the example of someone not getting a good education
Has anyone ever spoken to Ty outside of AFTV like in Tescos or something.. is he like this all the time?
How can TY be TY? This is crazy! Gosh. ? ?
lol Ty is a joker!?
its just a number
Ty and arsenal are a laughing stock 100k a week FOR a back up striker because you know your desperate to bring another 2 forwards in
The disrespect for Walcott is real 15th top goal scorer
Ty tho ???