Everton suffered a 3-2 defeat at Burnley despite Richarlison’s penalty brace.
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Lampard bring US to Hell
This game got us relegated <== saya setuju
This game got us relegated <== saya setuju
This game got us relegated <== saya setuju
This game got us relegated <== saya setuju
This game got us relegated <== saya setuju
Being a reds fan well this is great .
I really don't know why hired him after he fxxk up Chelsea
If Everton is relegated then they can win the championship trophy next season
I believe they will get 3 points tonight against man u tho
Pertahanan jadi madalah itu frank juga waktu di chelsea main cukup terbuka makanya antonio rudiger dan alonso kurang maksimal
Even I’m depressed and I’m not even an Everton fan?
Wtf.. lampard what r u doin??
Richarliason's smug faces after scoring pens just isn't earned.
discard 7 players and change coach! …..comedy team??
The squad should be at least in Mid table. What's wrong with them seriously?
Hahaha I love this greeting from liverpool fans
I don't want us to be relegated. How will I Stand again the Kopites? ???
Lampards face st the end says it all ?
don't let this relegation match distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
Dele Alli went woke and got broke, bad signing for Everton and Frank (who also sucks), both won't be there next season, as for Dele and Frank both will be lucky to get a fish and chip shop job next season.
Ronaldo sewie
How would any prem club of sane mind have F Lampard as manager? total lunacy
Iwobi and Pickford look at each other after the first goal. Kenny and Holgate switched off for the second, Godfrey for the third two mistakes, the miskick and then him and holgate running into space for the second.
Selling Digne was the biggest sabotage rafa benitez has done to everton. This is what happens when you hire liverpool spy to a manager
As a celtic fan looking in, I like both clubs for their fight and grit plus real fans. Shame one will go down although it could be a good chance to rebuild for Everton and Lampard should they drop down and come back stronger.
Why would Everton even upload this, i mean what’s going on
Kalah mulu ah, males
relegation express
Lampard? Biggest mistake your board ever made.
Why does the commentator sound like he had £100 quid on everton to win and both teams to score?
Derby games against, Preston, Blackpool, Blackburn and Wigan if they go up
sean dyche can always pull out a big result great manager